Whether you are selling your home or simply want curb appeal to be a highlight of your landscaping efforts, Florida offers a wide range of plants to make your garden stand out. The secret is to choose plants that individually... Read more
People in urban areas tend to have less access to green space for gardening. There are, however, many ways to fully enjoy growing plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. Balcony gardens, shared spaces, and mini greenhouses are a few of the... Read more
Weed control is a smart way to simplify your gardening life and enjoy your landscape with fewer frustrations. Laying down landscape fabric is a highly affordable solution to the weed problem. No harm is done when you use breathable landscape... Read more
Various challenges go along with placing plants underneath trees. Only certain plants can survive in a setting where sun and moisture are being hogged by a tree. It may seem a simple solution to plant annuals every year, but this... Read more
Raised bed gardening is ideal if you have a limited amount of time for gardening. Actually, no matter how much time you have, raised bed gardens offer terrific benefits. Enjoy a more abundant harvest using less space and use the... Read more
Compost itself offers many benefits for gardeners and the environment. There are even more advantages when you do your own composting in your garden. With a bit of know-how, you can give your garden and the environment a nice boost... Read more
Having the greenest grass on the block isn’t just great for your home’s curb appeal. Green spaces relieve stress and anxiety. What could be better for your mental health than having a lush, green lawn that you can see and... Read more
In April, your lawn and garden can keep you as busy as a worker bee in a flower patch. Take time to enjoy your plans and the anticipation of all the fruits of your labor because there is work aplenty.... Read more
A Zen garden is ideal for anyone who would like their own meditative retreat. Japan is the origin of these tranquil spaces, and it’s interesting when you know the link between the country and basic designs in Zen. Read on... Read more
The first day of spring arrives on March 19, 20, or 21 each year; and the entire month is a time of hopeful anticipation for gardeners. It’s always important, however, not to plant too soon. In Florida, the average last... Read more